I AM My Heart, I AM Love, I AM Whole

I AM My Heart, I AM Love, I AM Whole

“I AM my heart, I AM love, I AM whole” are words I heard in meditation today. Upon reflection, I thought of the times that I have said, “I gave my heart to ___________.”

An important aspect of a deep spiritual life is to not give pieces of your heart away, but to let your own love fill you. This love of Self is the deepest reflection of the love of the Divine (the I AM). When we love from this place, this place of heart wholeness, we can love all – the ones that we choose to share our life with and even the ones that have caused us pain. It is from this place of Self love that forgiveness is possible and unconditional love may be shared. 

Grace & Ease

Grace & Ease

Being Real Broadcast with Robin & Colleen

Being Real Broadcast with Robin & Colleen