Speaker, Teacher & Podcast Guest
Robin H. Clare is a National Speakers Academy trained keynote speaker, Recovery Coach Professional™, best-selling recovery author, and spiritual messenger. She bases her two speaking topics outlined below on the following bold statement:
Suffering is the #1 addiction on the planet, and then we choose an addictive behavior to feel better. Addictive behavior is way more than drugs and alcohol; you can be addicted to a toxic work environment, unhealthy relationships, and just about anything that makes you feel better from your suffering.
Robin struggled with food addiction for 40 years and now lives a grounded recovery based on her commitment to mind, body, spiritual and emotional health. She walks the walk of wellness and is excited to speak with your audience about how to stop suffering and start living a balanced and successful lifestyle.
To bring Robin to speak at your conference, community event, or radio/podcast, please reach out to her at 860-833-9671 or robinhclare@gmail.com. You may also book a time to chat here.
Childhood trauma creates a pattern that continues into adolescence and adulthood. Consequently, unhealed trauma turns into suffering. Your suffering can be silent or loud, but it’s constantly wreaking havoc in your life.
It undermines how you are in the world and ultimately affects every aspect of your life, including how you feel about yourself, your relationship with others, and your success at home and work. Do you want to shout “I Need Help!” but you have no voice?
Sadly, you may be sending an S.O.S. for your addiction, but no one can hear you. This S.O.S. refers to the Silence of Suffering that impacts everyone. It’s time to find your voice and speak your truth if you suffer in silence. Once you speak your truth, you will be firmly on the path of recovery, healing and peace.
Robin H. Clare will share the wisdom that speaks to your heart and changes your life:
Identify the trauma patterns in your life
Pinpoint the addictive behavior that is a symptom of your suffering
Learn to rescue yourself when you are suffering in silence
Reveal your authentic voice and live courageously
Understand the gift of your suffering
Find forgiveness for others and yourself
Create a more joyful and productive experience at home and work
Sometimes the human perspective on addiction and recovery is not enough. Robin H. Clare has written a best-selling recovery book, Feast & Famine, at the request of Sophia, the feminine aspect of the Divine. In the book, Sophia shares profound wisdom in resolving our primary addiction to suffering and our secondary addiction to vices and habits.
As a spiritual channel, Robin receives guidance from the spiritual realm for her audience. Whether you desire answers from deceased loved ones to understand your recovery highs and lows, or you desire to connect with a loved one in Spirit who passed from their addiction, Robin strives to provide the answers to your most pressing questions. This event combines a workshop with gallery readings and is both educational and interactive.
"Robin is a very gifted soul. I felt safe, respected, loved, validated, and understood. I could have listened to her all day. Everything Robin shared was very interesting, and it felt right." CA
"OMG, Robin! I loved hearing you speak!! I was sorry it was over! You create such a warm, welcoming presence I wanted to curl up on the floor at your feet - you've mastered mastery! "EMR
"Robin exemplifies what it is to recognize the limits of her own humanity and boundless expression of her spirit in one beautiful package. There are no airs about her. She has proved deserving of my highest regard." DR