It's Personal
Something happened 13 years ago that inspired me to make a decision that would impact the rest of my life. I was sitting in my corporate boss’s office and he was instructing me to do something that felt out of integrity for me.
As I hesitated to do what he asked of me, he turned and said, “You know Robin, this is not personal, it’s business.” I replied, “This is very personal to me and I will not do it.” At that exact moment, I decided to jump off the corporate ladder and begin to create a plan to have my own business.
When I was in my corporate life, I had two personalities, the corporate person during the workweek and the spiritual warrior on the weekends. Weekend Robin would read anything she could get her hands on or take any class she could take about spirituality and wellness. Having two personalities was exhausting!
It was time to integrate the two personalities into the one Robin or my authentic self. It was from this place of integration or authenticity that I could set the intentions, goals and desires for my new life. The more clearer I became, the more the Universe would meet or exceed my expectations.
It is important to know the “why” of any significant change in your life. In other words, why are you doing this? The best way to answer that question is to clearly set your intentions, identify your goals, declare how you will be of service to others and define your desire for this new part of your life journey.
In Messiah Within, Yeshua said, “To become one’s Authentic Self means to stand in your personal power and take pride in your ideals, desires and actions on your path.” Make your life very personal and declare exactly what you want - abundance, love, health, freedom, autonomy, being of service or whatever is right for you.
Then watch what happens; your life will become an amazing journey of moments to smile about, moments to cry about, but most of all, it will be all yours! And at the end of your life’s journey, you will know that you have led a life filled with personal pride and accomplishment.