The question in the title is one that I have pondered over the course of my spiritual journey. The great spiritual masters have shared that Suffering is an Option and lately, I have discovered that Suffering is NOT an Option for those who are working diligently to reach the pinnacle of their spiritual journey. This sounds like a contradiction but in reality, it is not. Suffering is an Option means that you have a choice to suffer. Pain is Inevitable because you can struggle in your mind or body or spirit or emotions but suffering from the pain is a choice. Pain and suffering are two totally different ways of being. It is hard to accept that Suffering is an Option.
In my upcoming book, Feast and Famine, Healing Addiction with Grace, I reveal there is only one addiction on this planet and that is to suffer. Once you are caught in the grip of suffering, you must choose at least one nasty tool or debilitating habit to perpetuate the suffering. Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, social media, porn, food, sugar, gambling, staying in bad relationships and staying at a job you hate are some of the most popular habits/tools that you can engage with to stay in the grips of suffering. There may be secondary physical or emotional addictions as a result of the habits/tools you choose.
The first level or true addiction is to suffer. The key to moving beyond suffering is to discover what is causing you so much discomfort or pain. You must surrender your suffering. Therefore, Surrender is Required. Sounds easy, right? True surrender only happens when you are truly done with your suffering and not just complaining. Why would you hold on to suffering? It’s easier to suffer then to be committed to wellness. It get you a lot of attention – maybe negative attention but attention, nonetheless. It’s really all you know and the idea of being happy, joyful, peaceful and abundant seems like someone else’s life, not yours.
What if with every fiber of your being, you surrendered by declaring to your Divine, “I am so done with suffering, I will do anything that is required to heal my life, please help me.”? In surrender, there are two events that will happen almost simultaneously. The first is that answer to why you were in pain will arrive in your conscious mind for you to understand. Your Ah-ha moment!
The second is that the solutions you need to help you heal from your pain and your suffering will begin to arrive. This step is called Grace must be Allowed. Grace is defined as the alignment of your Divine support, your Soul nature and your human nature all working together to resolve your suffering. Yet, “Grace must be Allowed” – uh oh, that means that you must be willing to accept Grace in your life.
Why would you not allow Grace into your life? Maybe you gave a good exasperated surrender cry and the Divine believed you. But do you believe in yourself? Do you believe that you have what it takes to have a life where Pain is Inevitable, but Suffering is NOT an Option?
There is a not so subtle nuance between Suffering is an Option and Suffering is NOT an Option. In Suffering is an Option, you have a choice to suffer. In Suffering is NOT an Option, the choice to suffer is no longer available to you. Here is how this would play out in life:
A. When Suffering is an Option you can allow the Divine Grace to guide your life to help you relieve your pain and your suffering. You would all agree that sounds lovely and a far cry from suffering. Yet, you can still give up on yourself and choose suffering as a future option.
B. When Suffering is NOT an Option you can allow the Divine Grace to guide your life to help you relieve your pain and your suffering. With this option, you can no longer give up on yourself and you can no longer choose suffering as a future option.
In Option B, you are choosing a life of no longer suffering because you know that your Divine has your back and that your Soul will guide your Human to a life of joy, peace, love and abundance. Are you ready to choose a life where Suffering is NOT an Option? Let’s talk about your unique journey by clicking on: to set up a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL 30-minute Discovery Call with me and we will explore together!