When I asked my inner guidance for the name of my podcast, the response I received was Hungry for Answers. “Yes!” I thought, “Hungry for Answers would be an appropriate name for a podcast hosted by someone in recovery from obsessive–compulsive food disorder and bulimia.” Over time, the idea of Hungry for Answers has expanded beyond an informative podcast to a commitment to a life well lived.
Bring It On
At the beginning of my spiritual journey, “Bring It On!” became my mantra, which led to nearly two decades of intense spiritual learning. It was only after understanding what was possible for my life that I considered coming into recovery. However, even my spiritual path was not yet enough to move from a 40-year addiction journey to long-term recovery.
My hunger for answers about the trauma patterns that created my suffering (my ultimate addiction) led me to seek a mental health professional. I knew I had to examine and heal my trauma patterns to maintain long-term recovery. This hunger also led me to write my best-selling spiritual recovery book, Feast and Famine: Healing Addiction with Grace.
Starving for Understanding
While this deep healing work is difficult, it is incredibly gratifying—being hungry for answers has been the cornerstone of my spiritual and recovery journey. As a spiritual author and teacher, it was not enough to look at my own life. Instead, I began to observe the answers other people are most hungry for in their lives, and it turns out we are all starved for essentially the same answers. From our health, relationships, work, family, and community to the state of our country, planet, and world, we are all starving for understanding. But if we live in a world with constant communication and a plethora of information, why are we still so hungry?
The simple answer is that through outside sources (news outlets, social media, and the like), we are fed information to make us more afraid and needy when looking for answers. Be sure to vet the sources of information that you rely on for your personal and professional growth, as much of the data from these sources is based on political agenda, corporate money, and a desire to control the masses. For this reason, the best place to find the answers you are most hungry for is inside yourself.
“We need to go inward instead of outward, and learn to trust our own inner guide, preserving our identity and finding the answers from within.”
— Jane Fulton Alt
Surrender Your Suffering
What does it really mean, though, to search inside yourself to find the answers? It begins with a genuine desire to surrender your suffering and receive the available grace. This grace arrives to you either directly, providing the answers, or perhaps someone is placed into your life who has the answers you seek.
You might be thinking, “Yes, bring on the grace!” But are you really ready to allow it into your life? This is an important question because there is a chance you are not truly prepared—due perhaps to identifying as the confused and lost person in your family or because unawareness serves as protection from the traumatic truth of your past and/or present existence—to receive the grace.
Six Ways to Obtain Grace
When you are truly ready to receive the grace in your life, here are six ways to obtain it:
Engage in meaningful conversations with a mental health provider, life coach, clergy, or a trusted loved one.
Write down the healing inspiration you receive when you use the Write Recovery Method™.
Meditate or pray to quiet the mind and hear the inspiring answers in your heart.
Take a walk in nature and listen for the gift of healing from Mother Earth or your spirit animals.
Lose yourself in your favorite hobby and wait for the inspiration to come when you are focused on something you enjoy.
Relax in a bath or shower and allow the stress to leave and the answers to arrive.
Stay Hungry
At the beginning of each episode of the Hungry for Answers podcast, I ask each recovery expert the same question: “Was there ever a time in your life when you were so hungry for answers but had no idea where those answers might come from?” Each guest responds with the same essential answer: “Yes, many times,” suggesting that being hungry for answers is vital to a positive lifestyle that enables you to heal and thrive.
In my private practice, I witness many clients finding the courage to seek answers to their past experiences, enabling them to live grounded in the present and hopeful for the future. It is important to know that you are never alone—you can reach out to others to help you find the answers, or search within your own heart and your spiritual connection. To help you on your journey, I offer a complimentary 30-minute session to guide you to discovering the answers you seek.