In today's hectic world, it is important to have a mentor that you can meet with to talk about your spiritual journey and dive deep into spiritual teachings.
In the Clare-ity Commitment Plan, Robin Clare will meet with you on a monthly basis to ensure that you are reaching your personal development goals, managing your relationships and honoring your commitment to your health and wellness goals.
In addition, the path to living your Soul Mission requires that you integrate your inner and outer worlds. This means that how you feel on the inside is reflected in your day to day life. How are you feeling on the inside?
Let's create a strategy to find joy, peace, love and abundance in all parts of your life. You deserve to have these gifts because they are your Divine Rights.
These sessions can be flexible in regard to topics. However, Robin has a good memory - she will ensure that important topics are resolved (even if it takes a few months.). This program requires that you commit to meeting every month for six months.
Investment - $1200/ per quarter. Please go to our store to pay for your session. Robin will contact you directly to book your in-person (Avon or West Hartford, CT) or online session. Sessions are recorded for future listening.
“I envision that one day I will get to living my spiritual and practical wisdom in my own business, but for now, I am happy to bring these teachings to the children and parents assigned to me in my corporate mental health position. I endeavor to live the idea of spirit at work with my clients and colleagues! How I engage with Robin is as a spiritual mentor I was looking for someone who would open my eyes to new perspectives but also honor my unique LGBT journey. With her 25 years of corporate experience, Robin totally gets where I work but keeps my focus on what is most important in the present moment and how to serve into the future. I love our easy and productive conversations and I am grateful that she can share valuable information for my life from the spiritual realm. ”
“Thank you so much, Robin. I love the Clare-ity Commitment Program! You have been so helpful and I really appreciate you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”