Join us for this first live LEO E-Tutoring Summit! Just a taste of the wide selection of offerings from these enlightened experts in the year to come! Learn innovative tools and techniques to expand your personal and professional growth to inspire you to become a better YOU! The Summit format will be interview style - each of the six presenters will be introduced by event host, Imani Mamalution. The purpose of this summit is for participants to "meet the teachers" and get a better understanding of the material they will be offering in their upcoming class in the following weeks.
Imani Mamalution will be hosting monthly inspirational and informational Summits on the LEO E-Tutoring platform to introduce members to a wide variety of topics and experts. She is a lifelong networker and has a natural ability to bring out and promote the talents and expertise of others. Utilizing the revolutionary tools provided by LEO, we will expand our consciousness, align with our life purpose, educate and empower ourselves and others while growing our businesses. Together we will co-create positive change on the planet by tapping into our collective wealth potential and finding solutions to better serve humanity.