To hear the answers to the FAQ's, please click on the video below.

0.00:  Introduction

0:27:  Why did Robin become an Akashic Record reader?  

1:01:  What are the Akashic Records?

1:33:  How do the Akashic Records define past, present and future lifetimes?   

5:55:  What do the Akashic Records look like?

6:55:  Who is speaking to Robin within the Akashic Records?

7:24:  Who is your Soul’s Collective?

9:33:  How does your Soul’s Collective communicate with Robin?

11:40:  What is not part of an Akashic Record session?

12:40:  What life categories should you ask questions about?

13:05:  What happens in an Akashic Record session?

14:44:  How can an Akashic Record session help you?

17:00:  How are Akashic Record sessions offered?

18:00:  Parting Words