To say thank you for helping to make Feast & Famine an Amazon #1 seller, I am throwing an online party in Zoom on Friday night. Let’s engage in fun and lively conversation, participate in a sacred ceremony, receive guided messages, share exciting upcoming happenings, and announce the winners of the raffle.
If you participated in the book campaign in Fundly, you are all set with your multiple raffle tickets. If you purchased it on Amazon, let me know what format you bought the book in to get a raffle ticket. Even if you are planning to buy the book at a future date, please come to the party!
The raffle includes a chance to win one of three private sessions with me - $150 value per session and one of two full admissions to my June group program, Stop Suffering & Start Living - $199 value per admission. The raffle is for anyone who purchased a book either in Fundly or in Amazon.
There is still time to buy a signed book in Fundly at Please share the book with others who are struggling with suffering and addiction, and who need a thoughtful, provocative approach to healing and recovery.
Friday, May 22 at 7 PM EST in Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 682 117 1651
Password: 464402
RSVP: Text or call - 860-833-9670 or email: