While writing Feast & Famine: Healing Addiction with Grace, I discovered that there is only one addiction on our planet, and that is to suffering. Then, we choose our substance or vice to perpetuate our suffering. Our vices can be drugs, alcohol, food, TV, or social media, to name a few. Mind-blowing - right?
Please join me in Zoom for a FREE workshop on either Saturday, May 2, or Sunday, May 3, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM EST to learn a Divine Healing Path intended to move you from your suffering to the grace you most desire for your life.
The Divine Healing Path is simple, yet profound and frankly, not easy, but for those who are committed to living their best life, it is essential. Please drop me a line to let me know which Zoom workshop you will be joining.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/6821171651
Meeting ID: 682 117 1651 - Password: 464402
Please pre-order Feast & Famine before its May release. Funds from the pre-launch will enhance promotional efforts to reach readers who will most benefit. Click here: fundly.com/feast-famine-book-launch
Stay well and connected!