Robin H. Clare, Author, Coach, and Speaker

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Good News!  ** Write with Spirit starts in Jan.!  **  Order a signed copy of Feast & Famine  **   Book Robin for your next event or podcast  **  Coming in Jan. - Robin & Randy’s podcast: Recovery & Beyond!

Good News! ** Write with Spirit starts in Jan.! ** Order a signed copy of Feast & Famine ** Book Robin for your next event or podcast ** Coming in Jan. - Robin & Randy’s podcast: Recovery & Beyond!

The world needs to experience your creative potential just as much as you need to express it! Yet, unhealed trauma from our past, can keep us from reaching our potential.

When you are free from suffering, you will gratefully do what your Soul wants to accomplish in this lifetime. You will be able to serve yourself and others by doing what you love… your Soul Mission.

Writing a book is the ultimate way to express pain, and heal from your history. Because sometimes traditional talk therapy and spiritual counseling is just not enough. The writing process involves expressing your courageous story and sharing your healing process.

Writing the book is a healing tool for you. Sharing the book is a healing tool for others.

Best-selling author, Robin Clare is ready to support you on your journey back to self-love. She does this by coaching you to fulfill your Soul Mission as an author.

In addition to private coaching, Robin offers inspiring talks, group programs, personal retreats, and, of course, the wisdom in her books!

Get started by reviewing Robin’s offerings below and then set up a FREE conversation to discuss with Robin how she can best serve you on your journey!



Have you had an eventful life with experiences that could fill a book? Why have you lived this life, and what’s next for you? To find out, book a session with Robin to find out how your past and present experiences are influencing your life choices. Find out more about your destiny as a writer.


You have a desire to write, but you are not quite ready to commit to your writing project due to a potential lack of confidence in getting started. In Robin’s two group programs, you will learn how to set up your life to become a writer and learn to channel your content with your spiritual team.


Are you ready to take the plunge into the exciting writing world? Yet, you may not be fully confident that you have healed enough to write about your life journey, or maybe you are ready to dive in completely. If you are an aspiring self-help author, then check out Robin’s unique coaching programs.


“Robin has a full and open heart, she has a loving determination to show others what their Souls are destined to achieve this lifetime. Robin has helped me put the scattered pieces of my heart back together and showed me how to be more confident of my spiritual connection.” DR

"Robin is deeply committed to her work and helping others. Her experience and understanding of healing is deep and multifaceted. Robin’s work is reflective of one of my favorite quotes is “Be the Change You Wish to See in the World” attributed to Mahatma Gandhi.” BF