Join Patrice Gildner and Robin Clare for a life-changing retreat to explore the truth about your birthright of self-love. If you are not in a constant state of self-love, then you are living out of alignment with your natural state. This three-day retreat will unveil universal and personal truths and create an environment for breakthrough transformation.
During this all-inclusive retreat, you will experience exceptional teachings, channeled spiritual messages, meditations, and attunements, a relaxing & comfortable country home, serene walks on a beautiful property, and healthy home-cooked meals.
Here are some of the planned outcomes for the retreat:
· Create community space to do your healing work
· Release day to day stress in a relaxing atmosphere
· Activate your sacred heart for Divine connection
· Discover your perception of separation
· Define the required path to surrender
· Discover how to allow and embrace grace
All of these wonderful experiences will take place at Robin’s family home in Tyler Hill, Pa. (3 hours from Hartford). A six-bedroom ranch with a comfortable living room and a large kitchen overlooking the lake will be our backdrop for our sacred retreat.
Patrice Gildner is a master channel for the Ascended Masters and a highly regarded teacher. Robin is an author of channeled books for the Ascended Masters and a retreat planning expert. Together, they are creating a magical 3-day retreat. All that is missing to make it amazing is you!
Date: Thursday, April 30 (come after lunch) through Sunday, May 3 (leave after lunch).
Investment - $499 double occupancy. Payment plans are available. Space is limited to 8 attendees.
To book your spot, please connect with Robin Clare at 860-833-9670 or .