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Robin's path to becoming a Divine Emissary began by leaving her traditional business career to become her authentic spiritual self. This commitment to her spiritual journey led her to understand her Soul Mission truly.

Robin worked for 25 years in corporate America and non-profit administration. Even then, she had a deep passion for spirituality and wellness. In her corporate life, she yearned to live a life where she could be her true authentic self. Robin traveled across the globe to study with spiritual masters and grow into her Divine gifts.

Becoming truly authentic required Robin to share her deepest secret. For most of her adult life, Robin struggled with food addiction and bulimia. She dug deep into her current and past-lives to heal her wounds that were blocking her success and keeping her in active addiction.

Now, in recovery, she is living her Soul Mission as an author, teacher, and life & business coach. She documented her extraordinary spiritual journey in her highly acclaimed books, Messiah Within and the Amazon Best-Selling Spiritual book, The Divine Keys. Her third book, Feast & Famine (Healing Addiction with Grace), is due out in Spring 2020.

Robin was named Best10 Life/Business coach and Best10 Energy Healer in the Natural Nutmeg 2017-2019 Readers Poll. Was Robin's Divine Revolution easy? - Hell no! Was it worth it? - Absolutely! Now, Robin is excited to share her incredible wisdom and proven path to Divine Freedom with you.

Set up a FREE Discovery Call with Robin to learn more!

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This catchy hashtag symbolizes the epidemic of humiliation on our planet. Humiliation is a negative action received through criticism. How we interpret those criticisms about our selves becomes our state of being. You see, each person begins life in a state of pure self-love. When we feel crushed under the overload of excessive humiliation, we switch from that life of self-love to self-loathing. Powerful self-loathing begins when we start to internalize the shame received from anyone to whom we have surrendered the power to judge us. Unfortunately, perpetual self-loathing leads to a life of suffering. And finally, deep suffering leads to addictive outcomes. 

While writing her forthcoming book, Feast & Famine, Robin discovered that the only true addiction on our planet is to the act of suffering. To facilitate our suffering, we pick our poison to keep our cycle of suffering, unfortunately, alive and well. In today’s world, the tools with which we perpetuate suffering (addiction) are endless. In this compelling presentation, Robin will share her path to recovery from suffering to a life of grace-filled living. This Divine Path to Healing teaches you how to truly trust your higher power to help you to move from addiction to recovery.

To bring Robin to your community, please contact her at 860-232-3331 or Robin@clare-ity.com

Robin is many things to many people, but few of the outstanding qualities that make her a unique contributor to anyone are her virtues of professionalism, business savvy, excellent communicator, focused, mission driven, and personal integrity. She is passionate about wanting to help others, and in that process, change the world for the better.
— J. Desai
I have watched Robin as she opened her heart and shared her wisdom with the world around her as friend, mentor, author and soul guide. She is kind, gentle and true to her heart and passes this on to everyone she touches. It is an honor and a privilege to know her.
— P. Caffrey
Having demonstrated success as a businesswoman, wife and mother, Robin has also enjoyed success as a student and teacher in the domains of human potential and personal spirituality. She’s challenged herself and others to continually reach for more of what can help us all fulfill our promise of abundance, love, joy and freedom.
— M. Petruzzi