RESPONSIBILITY/DISCLAIMER: Event Producers LLC (Enlightened Professionals, Clare-ity and Robin Clare, member & Gabrielle Clare, staff member) are acting only as agents for the tour members in making arrangements for hotels, transportation, touring, restaurants or any other services in connection with the itinerary. We will exercise reasonable care in making such arrangements. However, we do not assume any liability whatsoever for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity to person and property because of an act of default of any hotel, airline carrier, restaurant, company, or person rendering any of the services included in the tour. The right is reserved to cancel or change itineraries, speakers or scholars or operations staff or to substitute comparable service without notice. The right is reserved to decline to accept or retain any tour passengers should such person's health or general deportment impede the operation of the tour to the detriment of the other tour passengers.