

When my contemporaries think of the word freedom, they most often think of their youth.  A time when life seemed easier and more fun.  If we look deeper, we will find that what made that time easier and more fun was the simple fact that in our youth, we were living in the present moment.  We chose not to dwell in the past or fear the future - we chose to be carefree.

I seem to write about this present moment a lot lately, probably because I am still all about freedom. The freedom to choose what I do for my work, the freedom to hang out with people I respect and love and the freedom to be my authentic self.

I have spent the past 21 days listening to a meditation series with Oprah and Deepak Chopra on Manifesting True Success.  In the day 22 bonus meditation, Oprah shared that true success cannot be measured by anything that can be acquired. We already have everything we already need.

Then, she shared the following, “The key to success is about freeing the glory of your own soul.  Your soul is ready to released the moment you invite it with intention and trust. Our true selves are untouched by stories of our past and worries about our future. Manifesting true success is about shedding all that blocks us from embracing our lives in the present moment.”

The meaning of life is “to live”. To live here and now.  Last night, I was chatting with a dear friend about a relationship that did not have a happy ending, I wrote, “Have peace in the knowing that he came, you healed, and what is the future is not known, nor not now.  Peace is the present moment is what I wish for you.”  It is what I wish for all of us.

I AM as God Created Me

I AM as God Created Me

Ready, Fire, Aim!  -  A Strategy for Business Overwhelm

Ready, Fire, Aim! - A Strategy for Business Overwhelm