Ready, Fire, Aim!  -  A Strategy for Business Overwhelm

Ready, Fire, Aim! - A Strategy for Business Overwhelm

Recently, I had the pleasure of proving to a colleague that she knew exactly what she was doing in regards to opening her business.  Why did she need me to do this?  Because she was almost to her grand opening and she did not have a formal business plan to back-up her business concept.  Yes, she had a beautiful plan in her mind, notes on a legal pad, a deep connection to her spiritual guidance and she was manifesting outcomes magnificently.  

Yet, she seemed to be nervous and unsure of herself.  She was allowing other people’s apprehension to distract her from what she knew was an important aspect of fulfilling her soul’s destiny.   Her new business was the natural progression of years of professional training, inspiration from the spiritual realm and a committed lifestyle.  What she was missing was the peace of mind that comes with formally writing everything down.  

I stepped in to help her with my twelve step business planning model called, “Planning for Success”.  The plan includes declaring and writing down her unique skills and abilities, identifying her ideal customer base, defining her products & services, outlining her benefits to customers, creating a sales strategy that includes multiple streams of revenue, preparing financial projections based on realistic pricing and fixed & variable expenses and developing a  marketing strategy and labor plan. 

Can you imagine keeping all of that detail in your head? Phew… sure would keep me up at night.  The beauty of her new business plan is now she is confident in what she knows and aware of what she didn’t know prior to writing it down.  She expressed to me that she felt listened to, safe and relieved that I could prove to her that she was indeed moving forward with a strategy for success. 

I felt good, too.  It is always wonderful to merge both my extensive corporate MBA experience of preparing strategic and operating plans with my abilities as a spiritual messenger to check in with the spiritual realm to make sure that she and her business are in alignment with universal energies.   

Whether you are just beginning the design of a business concept or you are almost open or you have a working business concept, it is never too late to design a business plan.  Bottom line, a business plan not only reminds you of your desired destination but it declares to the Universe how you need support.  

I invite you to watch how the Universe becomes your greatest ally when you implement your business plan with joy and excitement.  With a solid business plan in your hands, you are truly armed for success!  



Day 8 - Create!

Day 8 - Create!