It's Time to Serve!
For almost a year, I stood on my deck in the evening asking the same question, “How can I be of greatest service to mankind?” Whatever the season, I would make my way outside and ask the same question. Through my persistence, I was committing to a life of divine service – becoming a member of the Divine’s team here on Earth.
Do you desire to know the answer to the question,“How can I be of greatest service to mankind?” or humankind (which is probably more politically correct)? Your unique service potential or understanding of your purpose/destiny is available for the asking.
In my many sessions as a spiritual messenger, I have seen an individual service potential be as simple as sharing a message with others, to raising children with a strong spiritual compass, to sending healing meditations out to the world, to building a community and to creating a business.
I have come to understand that sharing the message of service is paramount to my service requirement. I have been sharing the following service model in my presentations to spiritual audiences. The 3D Service Model guides each person who desires to serve to a knowing that the three stages of the model are required to serve effectively:
1. Declare your intention to serve,
2. Define how you are going to serve and
3. Design a plan to actively serve others.
Most everyone I meet is looking for greater meaning or purpose in their life. The fastest way to satisfaction is to serve! The word service has been defined as the action of helping or doing work for another. Yet, true service is not simply something you do, it is a way of life, it is a way of being. To give is to receive, and the more you give, the more joy, love, peace and abundance you will receive. This is a promise from the Divine that you can count on!
Note: The 3D Service Model was a gift from the Divine and therefore, I would be honored to share my presentation as a gift to your community. Please contact my office to learn more at