Witnessing a Miracle in My Own Life
At a pinnacle moment on my spiritual journey, I was blessed to receive the Heart's Temple Ceremony from a team of ascended masters from the Angelic Realm. The Ascended Master team arrived in my room as I was meditating. They demonstrated the steps of the Heart's Temple Ceremony on me. Needless to say, I was in shock and awe.
But beyond my own extraordinary healing experience, I knew that this ceremony could help many others to return their hearts to a state of wholeness. Each year around Valentine's Day or during this season of love, I am reminded of how much we all need this.
Yeshua, one of the Ascended Masters who performed my ceremony said to me, "You are not alone. Each person on our planet has a broken heart. From the moment your heart is broken, you begin to love others by giving them a piece of your heart. It is now time to return your heart to energetic wholeness by retrieving the pieces of your heart."
This process of returning you heart to wholeness is required for learning how to love yourself on a deeper level and ultimately, to love others with "all" of your heart. The biggest fear you might have is that if you take back your piece of your heart from someone you love then you will not be able to love them. The opposite is true, the more full and compete your heart is, the greater you will love your loved one.
Imagine if everyone on our planet had a whole heart. My goodness, we would never feel lack and fear, we would give generously and we would honor and respect Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. I love this version of all of us.
I look forward to sharing this divine ceremony with you on Sunday, Feb 14 at 7 PM EST online. The cost to participate is $35.00. To register for this global heart healing event, please click on this link: https://heartstempleceremony2016.eventbrite.com. Registration ends of Feb 14 at 3 PM due to pre-work required. Private Heart's Temple Ceremony session with Robin are also available - please call 860-232-3331 or Robin@clare-ity.com to learn more.