Ways to Meet 1:1 with Robin

If you are ready to get started - please contact Robin at info@clare-ity.com or 860-232-3331.



**NEW** Writing from the Heart Program

Developing Your Valuable Content:

Engage in private conversations on your unique writing process and output with Robin and your spiritual guides. Robin is a highly regarded life coach, channel, and spiritual author, and she is poised to add tremendous value to you on your writing journey. In addition, Robin will share energy attunements with you to keep you in the writing spirit!

Six 90 minute private coaching sessions. Sessions are in Zoom and recorded. Ask Robin about pricing for in-person sessions in CT if desired. Investment - $1,199 ( payment plans available)


Archetype Card Reading:

Each person has unique personality types that greatly influence their past, present and future life experience. Meet with Robin to discover your three main archetypes that were chosen by your Soul prior to your incarnation. This is a fun and informative 60 minute session available on Zoom. “Archetypes are the psychic lenses through which we view ourselves and the world around us.” ― Caroline Myss . Intro Price - $100 (33% off!)

“I have had two archetype card readings with Robin Clare. The information and guidance received was both spot-on accurate and very helpful. I highly recommend this session.” DR


Spiritual Mentoring:

As a Master Spiritual Channel, Robin has access to all levels of the etheric realm. Combining her ease of access with her common sense approach to life, Robin's guidance is spot on. When your Akashic Records are open, you will receive guidance from your Soul's Collective, etheric Beings assigned to guide you and answer your questions in this lifetime. $150 per hour

“Robin has been blessed with a connection to spirit that you can know with confidence is true and clear. Her wisdom and generosity of spirit have been a guiding force in my life. I wish I could see Robin everyday, but I especially seek her counsel when I have questions with my life’s direction and those major steps along the way.” MAB


The Heart’s Temple Ceremony ™ :

Each person on the planet has experienced either a broken or a shattered heart. From that moment forward, we love by giving pieces of our heart away. The Heart's Temple Ceremony was first shared by the Ascended Masters with Robin, to bring her heart into energetic wholeness. Robin will lead a ceremony to heal your heart. From this place of heart wholeness, each person will love in a more full and unconditional manner - $150

“Thank you for meeting me and for the beautiful Heart’s Temple Ceremony today, Robin! It is amazing to me how you targeted certain relationships and felt the energetics of it… I can't do this stuff, so I am always amazed! And I am amazed at how spot on it is! Thank you, it was a real gift!” CH

13th Octave LaHoChi Session :

A 13th Octave LaHoChi energy healing session is an incredibly powerful hands-on or distance healing modality. The 13th Octave (the sacred place of Divine Union) enables us to connect with the Council of Love (within the heart of the Divine) to bring their magnificent healing energies and messages to the session. LaHoChi is a powerful hands-on healing technique that brings in a very high frequency of light from the LaHoChi Masters. The modality restores imbalances in the energy field that manifest on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms of beings - $150

 “Robin, my 13th Octave LaHoChi session yesterday was AMAZING!!! Not only do I FEEL different today, but a co-worker said that I LOOK different. I feel powerful and ready for anything! I cannot recommend Robin’s 13th Octave LaHoChi Session enough. My True Self has emerged and I am ready to live my best life.”  — SC 


Soul Plan™  Program:  

Are you living your personal and professional life in alignment with your Soul's desired destiny? If your life is one frustrating challenge after another, you may be living out of alignment with your Soul. By living in alignment with you Soul, you get to activate your Divine Right to a life filled with love, peace, joy and abundance. Sounds like the heaven on earth we have all been waiting for! Four part program - Investment: $600. Includes a written report.

“Robin Clare’s SOUL PLAN™ is brilliant! Using her intellect, intuition and spiritual guidance, Robin cracks the combination lock, opens the vault and reveals your own personal treasure. If you want to know critical information to ease your struggle, clear your path for prosperity, advance your soul expression and ultimately raise the bar on your life experience, you’ll want to get your SOUL PLAN™ from Robin.” MP 


Planning for Success:

If your Soul’s destiny is related to your work, then it is always the right time to build a solid, sustainable and unique business plan. Long-term success comes when you engage the Universal energies in your business planning process.  As a Spiritual MBA, Robin Clare is deeply committed to both the magical and the practical aspects of business. The Universe is delighted to bring us exactly what we need when we are clear about what we want to do! Six sessions plus a written business plan - $1200

“ I engaged with Robin to create a business plan using her Planning for Success™ program for my new organic juice bar. I am convinced we all need a program like this one, logical AND intuitive…yes there is room for both! CM

" When spiritual entrepreneurs need a business plan, they go to Robin Clare. Robin’s experience as an influential spiritual thought leader, as well as her business expertise enabled me to create a business from a higher perspective.” LS

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